Thank you
Be sure to check your email within the next 30-60 minutes – a welcome packet is headed your way with some tangible tools you can use.
Within this community, iron sharpens iron – here we both challenge and support each other. We remind each other of what we must do and be to achieve and live out our most authentic and powerful life as men CONQUERING ourselves.
In the meantime, check out my favorite COACHING articles here, or visit the CONQUER CULTURE COURSES page – where you’ll find both courses that are available to you today and those in production.
If you’re feeling strong, check out the certification page – where you can find more information about becoming a CERTIFIED CONQUER CULTURE PERFORMANCE LIFE COACH for men just like you. And, don’t miss the GUIDING PRINCIPLES page where you can find a blueprint about those things for which CONQUER CULTURE is centered.
Thanks again for joining us – truly. And, no matter where you are in your life – stuck, dismayed, disillusioned or on track with your plan – we really want you here. No one is too broken nor accomplished to benefit from this community. We are all focused on CONQUERING ourselves. Only then can we focus on our unique purpose and live a life of true and deep contentment and hope.
As Always…Faithful / Strong / Courageous (my mantra)
– Chief Kirk
7 Pillar Worksheet
Download the CONQUER CULTURE 7 PILLAR WORKSHEET and launch a 3-step process to ignite your personal reclamation.