Start Here

Welcome to the CONQUER CULTURE digital space. I’m the founder, CJ Kirk. I’m also a father, husband, entrepreneur, Kravist and performance life coach.
I started CONQUER CULTURE after years of research and a deep dive into my own failings as a man. What I discovered was astounding and permanently life altering.

CONQUER CULTURE is the culmination of decades of struggle and discovery, forged into a coaching format that challenges and fuels men to find meaning in and through their lives.

This isn’t your run-of-the-mill, cheerleader coaching.  There are no personal pep rallies here.  To CONQUER yourself, and escape the unfulfilling rut you’re stuck in, you’ll need a deep commitment to truth and change.

If you’re looking for a magic pill, don’t bother. But, if you want to make a powerful and enduring life change, this is for you.

No one will give you a meaningful life. You have to claim it.  You must CONQUER yourself.

Let’s do this.

CJ speaking

Conquer Culture Mondays

This is a short email that contains powerful ideas to inspire a relentless focus on positive life change and to arm you for the challenges of the week ahead.
You’ll love these if:

You’re a Man who wants to discover his unique purpose. I write about issues men face, offer coaching exercises, and provide suggestions that help men see their life and the impact of their choices clearly.

Transform yourself into a Leader, Dad or Father Figure who is a powerful advocate, mentor and teacher for their children, families and community.

Let’s build an unstoppable, life changing community together.

Get my weekly email “CONQUER CULTURE MONDAYS”
Cj CHIEF Kirk in black and white

Chief Kirk

People call me “Chief Kirk” as a nod to the work I’ve done over the past 25+ years as a Krav Maga Chief Instructor.
I came to Krav Maga after a run-in with a 9mm pistol-wielding turd late one evening in the parking lot of a restaurant in Houston, Texas. The encounter created a powerful shift in my approach to life, safety, and my personal sovereignty.

At first, I was apprehensive about the “Chief Kirk” thing. But eventually, it became a reminder to strive for excellence and serve more powerfully. I get up every day and try to earn it – striving to learn from my mistakes and consistently improve and grow as a man each day.

My path has led me to some exciting places. I’ve earned a 4th degree Black Belt in Krav Maga, a Krav Maga Advanced Force Training Certification, and a Simunition Tactical Instructor Certification. I’ve graduated as a Performance Life Coach through Unbeatable Mind, and founded the Ground Zero Tactical Shooting School.  I’ve trained, coached and had the honor to work with thousands upon thousands of men.

Along the way, I’ve discovered powerful truths that men need to learn to CONQUER themselves.

Featured Course

Check Up From the Neck Up

If you’ve ever wanted to increase your mental toughness, understand right now that it’s not a matter of will power – it’s all about the internal process that guides your thoughts. In this course, you will increase your self awareness to detect early warning signs that your mentality is slipping, you’ll learn and utilize a potent process for increasing and maintaining mental toughness – and I’ll show you how to control your psychology during “turbulence” by harnessing and calming your physiology.


My essays are derived from the experiences I’ve had from 25 years of working with, training and coaching +10,000 men.
I write about the challenges men face in the world today, and draw from the many breathtaking failures I’ve made as a man, husband, and Dad.

I write to serve others in the development of their personal ethos, the reclamation of their essential purpose and the discovery of their unique purpose to live a meaningful and miraculous life.

7 Pillar Worksheet

The uneasy feeling you keep ignoring won't go away. You're living a life that's unworthy of your unique purpose, and you realize you've got to do something.  Where do you start?

Download the CONQUER CULTURE 7 PILLAR WORKSHEET and launch a 3-step process to ignite your personal reclamation.

7 Pillar Worksheet
My Biggest Challenges