coaching program

Performance Life Coaching

The centerpiece of the CONQUER CULTURE COACHING PROGRAM is the process of inquiry and awareness that leads to the discovery of unique purpose and the embracing of essential purpose.
The CONQUER CULTURE MASTERCLASS – THE RED PILL: THE GET IT RIGHT INTENTIONAL LIFE DESIGN MASTERCLASS FOR MEN – THE GREAT LIFE RESET is the cornerstone of the CONQUER CULTURE coaching process and is currently offered twice per year over ZOOM to allow for broad access to this seminal coursework.

I’ve been working on the concept of purpose with men for over 25 years. In my view, there’s nothing more important than confidently answering the complex questions, “Who am I? What have I been put here to do? And, how should I do it?”

CJ speaking


There is nothing more powerful that a man can do for himself (or those around him) than to do the work needed to discover purpose – and create for himself a lasting and authentic compass from which to navigate his life.
Purpose “fills our buckets,” provides the direction for meaningful work and solidifies the hills on which we are willing to die – securing our integrity and courage as men.

Below, you’ll find a list of my writings on the subject. Notice I try to manage the volume of writing by limiting word count to around 1,000 words – with longer articles running approximately 2,000 words (nothing you can’t get through within 5-10 minutes). These writings are meant to offer ideas and concepts; try them on for yourself. My goal isn’t to convince you of anything – rather, I want to both support and challenge you with my words.

To get the most out of these writings, suspend disbelief. Read each essay as if it were entirely true – true about you. Then, using a rational internal discourse, discuss with yourself what insights you might discover (and what actions must be considered) if these things are true.

Do not attach any judgment to the idea that you might have substantial work to do on yourself – rather, celebrate your courage and willingness to see the truth and your choice to move to a stronger and more authentic way of living.

To start your coursework and your journey to unique purpose, start here with
CHECK UP FROM THE NECK UP – MENTAL TOUGHNESS course. You’ll need the tools and tips presented here to successfully navigate your journey.

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Favorite Coaching Essays

Title of Favorite Coaching Essay

Description of favorite coaching essay goes here. Description of favorite coaching essay goes here.

Title of Favorite Coaching Essay

Description of favorite coaching essay goes here. Description of favorite coaching essay goes here.

Title of Favorite Coaching Essay

Description of favorite coaching essay goes here. Description of favorite coaching essay goes here.




7 Pillar Worksheet

The uneasy feeling you keep ignoring won't go away. You're living a life that's unworthy of your unique purpose, and you realize you've got to do something.  Where do you start?

Download the CONQUER CULTURE 7 PILLAR WORKSHEET and launch a 3-step process to ignite your personal reclamation.

7 Pillar Worksheet
My Biggest Challenges